

Setting up the project

You need to have git,nodejs and npm installed. You can check by using the following commands -

git --version
node -v
npm -v

These should show you the currently installed versions of NodeJs and NPM on your system. If you have both of these, continue on to the next steps. If you don’t, install NodeJs from the website - which comes along with npm. And you can install git from -

  1. Clone this repository
git clone
  1. Go into the cloned repository and initialize npm here. This should use the already present package file.
cd CryptoNote
npm init -y
  1. Install electron
npm install electron --save-dev --save-exact
  1. Install electron-packager
npm install electron-packager --save-dev
  1. Install electron-json-storage
npm install electron-json-storage --save
  1. Install axios (Cryptocurrency API)
npm install axios --save

That should set up the project. The commands are same in windows or linux. You can save the following lines as a bash, powershell or batch script to do all of the above at once :-

git clone
cd CryptoNote
npm init -y
npm install electron --save-dev --save-exact
npm install electron-packager --save-dev
npm install electron-json-storage --save
npm install axios --save

However to see notifications on Windows (not yet tested on linux), add electron.exe present inside node_modules\electron\dist to the start menu by right clicking on the exe and selecting Pin to Start

Running the App

To run the app just use -

npm start

Packaging the App

To package the app, run any of the following according to the OS you want to package this for (make sure you are running the terminal as administrator or use sudo in linux) -

  1. For Windows -
    npm run package-win
  2. For Linux -
    npm run package-linux
  3. For Mac -
    npm run package-mac